List of reviews made by users for the Everyone Else is a Returnee novel.
118 users have written reviews for the Everyone Else is a Returnee novel and rated it with an average score of 4.5 out of 5. Our novel is ranked 144th among all the novels in the Web Novel World platform.
118 Reviews

If one looking for light reading, happy ending, light heart plot, OP protagonist. This is a good one. Nothing too sad or too serious. I'd give this 9/10 Minus one point just that full score would mean something very beyond expectation and legendary. I think this novel is worth reading for people who like something light and not too complicated. I just like something like these, nothing too suspense nor too dark. A world were things end up happily and readers can enjoy the pace. Yes, the plot is simple, main character is OP, overall is what reader can expect but that is the charm of this type of novel when we just want to escape the rotten daily grinding into some happy world. This is a good read for me.

My first Novel with sevens read it 3 times will come back later for some High School memories Again it’s a full mark for me because it’s special in my heart one of the classics for me!

I had finished the novel quite a while ago. Just didn't read the last 6 or so chapters for whatever reason. Anyway, the novel is good. Nothing more than that. It started off as pretty good, and the later parts can be rated good or average. Overall I would give it a 7/10. One of the things I liked about this novel is the blacksmiting part, though it was a bit too op. And as for the harem, it could've been executed better. Overall the harem was decent, nothing too special. The power system itself is pretty interesting. It isn't completely new, but different enough to be interesting. As for the other parts, I don't remember them quite well, so I won't comment about them.

It was pretty good at first but from a few hundred chapters onwards it wasn't at all. Everything is so easy, extremely easy to achieve. The author builds a universe as if it were born for the main character. There is almost no character development, and the skills and concepts are poorly written. 6. 5/10. However, it's good enough for you to read when you don't know what to do.

I only hear about this story now, so the concept of it is used everywhere now - leveling, portals, mosnsters, OP MC, etc. But honestly this story does it really well. The system that is in place in the world is done well and is nice to follow, the leveling and the pacing of it all is rather nice and balanced, and only gets a bit rushed towards the last dozen of chapters. The MC's speciality of crafting equipment is just incredible! I would have never thought that it would be interesting to read about someone making a spear and this story does it soo well. There is a moment in later chapters where he just crafts like 3 chapters in a row, and the suspense and action of it all just draws you in. My main complains with the story would be some "so that the plot can happen" moments that happened a couple of times and undermined some of the things that MC did by pretty much gifting it to others so they can catch up. Other thing is the ending. I did feel slightly rushed, despite being absolutely reasonble based on the rest of the story, and it did just drop the harem out of the blue in the story. Throughout the story MC get chased by multiple girls, but only ever has it for one of them, and she always chases other girls out. But then on last chapter she goes "yeah, lets just have a harem for ya" and thats pretty much how that happens. I dont mind harems, i read a lot of stories with one, but when for the entirety of the story MC only wants one girl and then just does a 180 it feels weird. All in all - its a not too long great novel. I would for sure recommend it to anyone. If you read a lot of similar novels you will still enjoy this one, since it definitely has its own soul and nice ideas and moments, and if it is your first read of the "ssystem" type of novel then it will be a blsts, since the system itself is well made, easy to read and understand, and everything is explained really well.

This story so far is probaby intended to 'refreshen' up the readers mind. It starts off light, and ended lightly too. With great story telling and definitely good translation (which is the translator doing a half-assed job sneking quite a few notes here and there acting as if its a discord chats). This story for sure is above avarage, great character development, world building with unexpected plot twist, and somewhat common yet uncommon power scaling. Definitely a must-read if you want a break from complicated world such as SS, ORV and LoTM.

Its a good story and while the ending is rushed and some characters leave much to be desired, its a decent story for one with an harem tag. The rushed ending fits the tone and style of the MC who it portrayed as a destroyer of flags and foreshadowing which leaves his enemies weak because he literally destroys their secret weapons and plans before they get the chance to use them. More work could have been done in setting up the stage for the final battle because while it was expected, it felt lackluster and anticlimactic and as many have said i would suggest you don't read the side stories and leave after the final battle because it gets really weird with the MC's children and while i see the author was going for a comedic and light hearted ending, it did not feel that way in the slightest. It felt icky and weird and it brought down my opinion on the novel by a lot. Overall, it's a great read but for me there were few memorable characters except for the MC and his first wife but i enjoyed reading it, would not read it again, but i sincerely enjoyed it.

Overall, this was an extremely enjoyable read. Everything progressed at a somewhat reasonable pace, there was phenomenal foreshadowing, the power system was fan and made sense, and most of the characters were very enjoyable. If I could forget this entire novel to reread it for the first time again, I would.

Pretty good pacing and overall story not too bad but what i didnt like even at the end mc still acted like he think world is a game even tho at that point he pretty much knew it wasnt however if we concider how he progressed it does make a bit sense also it felt that at times author just forgot about some stuff but then remembered and needed to mention them again but still great

While I will still slowly finish reading this novel and update this review once I'm done, I got to point out some very bad flaws with it. I'm not sure why not a single review has mentioned this but this translator for this novel is terrible! This dude adds T/N comments in the middle of these lines and chapters SPOILING what will happen later on!! He has to comment stuff like (T/N: Wow smooth talking) after the MC calls the angels pretty. He also insults readers that give any form of criticism saying they suck at reading, or their comprehension is terrible. You see, when I read a novel, I like to get immersed in it, but when I'm reading a line then (T/N: Yeah, this sword will turn into something very important later on) pops up I immediately get pulled out of it. Why tf you spoiling stuff? Honestly this doesn't feel like a novel, it feels like a dude explaining a novel instead which I honestly hate. I have yet to run into this problem with the other 20+ novels I've read on this site, some of which are worse then this novel, and this novel isn't even that bad!! It's just this translator, and his translation isn't even bad. It's just the way he presents it and treats this novel as his playground. This alone brings my enjoyment and review down to a 3/5 stars while the story is a solid 4/5 as of right now.